Well hello there!!

I'm going to make this post short and sweet because I'm exhausted and have 3 kids to put to bed.
found this recipe on Pinterest (surprise, surprise) and of course did my own thing with it.

I didn't take any photos of the process, just baking and after shots. However, this recipe is WAY easy, so you won't really need a visual to guide you :)

Let's start with:


*1 cup natural peanut butter (NO STIR! if you use the really oily stuff, these cookies will not hold up, they will spread all over that cookie sheet and you'll have a cookie pie instead)

*1 large (cage free ;)  egg
*1 cup of organic dark brown sugar
*1 tablespoon of organic vanilla (i hate to be a snob here, but i promise organic tastes a lot better)
*1 tsp baking soda
*1/8-1/4 tsp baking powder
*1 pinch of salt
*1/3 cup of old fashioned oats (not instant or quick cooking, try GF if that's your thing ;)
* Trail mix of your choice, I used the Powerberry mix from Trader Joes.
No specific amount here. i just put 2 handfuls in. Get crazy, do what you want! haha
*Organic dark chocolate chips. Again, no specific amount. i put quite a bit in there!

*Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
*In your stand mixer add the peanut butter, egg, brown sugar, vanilla,  and salt. Use the paddle attachment and blend on low speed until it is nice and smooth and all the lumps are out.
*Then add in your
oats, baking powder, and baking soda. Let everything combine.
*At this point take the bowl out from the stand mixer and fold in your trail mix and the dark chocolate with a spatula.

*Then spray your cookie sheet with nonstick. (i used 100% olive oil nonstick) and take an ice cream scoop to portion your cookies.
*This is VERY sticky. Just scoop out your dough, and take it off the scoop using your finger.
*Let it bake for 10-12 minutes.
They may not seem done after this time, but trust me they are. Just let them sit for 5 minutes on the cookie sheet before putting them on a cooling rack.
Here are some  pictures for you:

This is the raw dough right when I put it in the oven:
This is what they will look like after baking :)  I just now realized you can't really see all the yummy trail mix goodies in this picture. Trust me though, they are there and they are SO good.
First taste:  YUMMY!! If I can quote my husband after eating these cookies......"I think these are the best cookies I have ever had"  #wifewin  Please excuse the obviously tired momma face. Thank you :)
Look!!!! Our youngest is loving them too! Actually all the kids devoured these and asked for more. I love making healthy treats for the kids! It's even better when they actually EAT them! hahaha
Hoping you guys enjoy these delicious cookies!!

All for God's Glory,


    Im just a wife and momma of 3, living in the Grace of God every day. Blessings to your table :)


    January 2014

